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What We’re TH!NKing About:本月我们最喜欢的电子读物综述

From the scooter revolution, to Chicago's resiliency strategy, check out some of our favourite reads from the web this month.



April 30, 2019

Microsoft Wants to Unleash Its AI Expertise on Climate Change

Fast Company

Microsoft has 自2012年以来,一直在使他们的内部实践更加环保. 他们甚至设定了到2030年减排75%的目标. Now, Microsoft wants to expand their sustainability efforts beyond internal operations. 该公司计划将他们的人工智能和技术工具更广泛地提供给环境研究人员和倡导者 to use. 由于这类研究的数据集通常太大,无法在传统计算机上托管, Microsoft will 也在他们的云平台Azure上聚合和托管数据. Even better: this data will be made publicly available!

How to Build NIMBY-Proof Homeless Shelters? Make Them Mandatory.


Civic engagement is an important part of our democracy, but unfortunately NIMBYs tend to occupy the majority of those who exercise their civic voice. In San Francisco, most residents are in support of addressing homelessness 理论上是这样,但在富裕社区修建设施时,即使是在 favour flip to team NIMBY. So what’s a city to do? 地区主管马特·哈尼(Matt Haney)提出了一项提案,要求旧金山所有地区在30个月内建立一个无家可归者支持中心. Homelessness is citywide issue, 像哈尼提议的立法是向公民和人道主义问责迈出的重要一步.

芝加哥复原力战略中的芝加哥复原力优先事项. Click here to view larger image.

Chicago’s Resiliency Plan Aims for Equity

Next City

100个韧性城市倡议是美国最大的私人资助的气候适应项目. Now defunct, but not forgotten, 该倡议在全国范围内设立了83个首席应变官职位,他们在帮助城市制定气候变化应变战略方面发挥了重要作用. Rather than focusing on direct environmental solutions, The City of Chicago is taking an intersectional, and innately systemic, approach. 该战略80%的优先行动集中于解决社会问题, such as socioeconomic inequality, education, and racism. One of the city’s most transformative actions is the Neighborhood Opportunity Fund, 它的目标是为城市南部和西部的脆弱社区创造抗冲击的机会. 该基金的资金来自开发商以提高密度为回报向其收取的资金,这些资金随后被分配给弱势社区的小企业. 由于租金上涨迫使全球各地的小企业关门大吉, 这种融资方法提出了一个有趣的框架,可以用来支持社区从士绅化中恢复过来.

Mapped: Historical Public Transit Systems vs. Their Modern Equivalents

The Guardian

Jake Berman, artist and transit enthusiast, 设计了一系列过去和现在的全球公共交通地图. 他用滑动条功能将地图分层,这样你就可以自己玩并显示比较. The results may surprise you…


The Electric Scooter Revolution with Lime Co-Founder Brad Bao


Lime co-founder Brad Bao sits down with The Verge’s 请主编尼莱·帕特尔就Lime的踏板车业务进行富有启发性的对话. 鲍的数据丰富的洞察力和对新型移动出行的热情,有力地说明了对滑板车热潮的爱恨. Unlike other scooter companies, Lime是垂直整合的,他们的定制滑板车在设计时将使用寿命和安全性放在首位. 而其他公司则采取无政府主义的方式让他们的滑板车上路, Lime works extensively with municipalities. 鲍的可持续发展愿景正在说服城市改变政策,以适应这一日益增长的趋势.

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

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